Check out our history with our Historian, President Emeritus Toby Fesler Heathcotte.

Marie Shadden
Published Author
Current Residence:
Works By Marie Shadden:
A Bit About Me
Marie Shadden, MPA, most recently published in "Journeys to Authorship" (2024) ( She received early recognition as a journalist from California State College in Hayward, the Contra Costa Times, the American Newspaper Publishers Association, and the American Association of University Women.
She graduated as a criminologist from the University of California, Berkeley, and earned a Master of Public Administration in Criminal Justice degree from Golden Gate University, San Francisco.
One of the first women officers in the USAF Security Forces, she served as a squadron commander at Luke AFB, Arizona Chief of Security Police. She received Air Force Commendation and Meritorious Service Medals. Lieutenant Colonel Shadden remained active in veterans’ organizations after retirement. Inducted into the Air Force Security Forces Association (AFSFA) Hall of Fame, she also received recognition as secretary of the AFSFA national board. Her "History of the Security Forces, 1949-1980," documenting events in the career field, resides in the USAF Security Forces Museum at Lackland JB, Texas, and the Air University Library at Maxwell AFB, Alabama.
In addition to veterans’ groups, she belongs to the Southwest Writers (SWW), the American Legion Media Alliance (ALMA,) the Military Writer’s Society of America (MWSA,) and the Arizona Authors Association (AAA.) She has the most fun with the Alliance of Literary Writers and Yammering Scribes (ALWAYS.)
Her website is a tea party at She lives in Chandler, Arizona and feels blessed to have her daughter and muse, Michelle, nearby. When not writing, she enjoys dancing, horseback riding and urban hiking.